
 Sunday, 13 August Skagway
On our morning walking tour, Dave explained that “Skagway” means something like “home of the north winds” and it certainly lives up to that name. We did see a rainbow as we set out, and we had very little rain, but we were buffeted by the wind. 

Dave pointed out historical buildings and told us gold rush stories. For an event that lasted only 2 years, 125 years ago, it certainly left a mark. This is a deep-water port, and so was recognized by some, ahead of the gold rush, as the place that would give access to this area. The indigenous people didn’t settle here because of the constant wind, so they were not displaced by the creation of the town. Besides the human story, we once again watched salmon fighting their way upstream to spawn. 

Our next treat was the Ghosts & Good Time Girls Walking Tour. Madam Rosy (in full costume, including dollar bills sticking out of her cleavage) greeted us at the meeting point and issued garters to wear on our arms, then Madam Lavinia arrived to lead us around town, teaching us some street-walking skills, while regaling us with tales of life in Skagway for women in the late 19th century. The tour ended at the Red Onion, which at that time was a tavern and brothel (side note: yesterday our bus driver/guide, aware that children were on board, explained that for those who didn’t know what a brothel was, it was a place where they made & sold very good soup. Get it? She then explained the various activities there in terms of types of soup and how they were served.) We had a tour of the brothel area with a glass of champagne to toast the ladies. This was one of the best tours ever, and 

Lavinia was amazing in her ability to talk constantly, interestingly and informatively for 2+ hours. We tried a different lunch place, the Skagway Brewery, and enjoyed another good meal. After a bit of feet-up time, we headed to the theatre for the “98” show. Before the show started, everyone was given $1000 in chips and we gambled for about a half hour. I ended up with $3000 and Larry went broke. It’s fun gambling where no actual money is involved. The show was fun, relating the story of Soapy Smith, an infamous villain, with words, song and dance and a little audience participation. Enjoyable, and followed by dessert back at the hotel dining room and packing for the next move tomorrow morning.

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