

Saturday, 12 August - Skagway AK

Very early breakfast in the chaos of the Lido Market buffet restaurant, then gathering everything still in the stateroom and finding our group, before boarding a bus. We toured Skagway in the rain, including the Goldrush Cemetery
and the dramatic nearby waterfall.

It was a bit of a challenge climbing up there, but well worth it. We heard the legend of Soapy Smith, and saw his grave and that of the man who shot him. Back in town by about 10, we left our carry-ons at the Westmark Hotel and strolled the town on our own, until our rooms were ready at 2pm. It was still raining, and our umbrellas were in our suitcases, so we got rather wet. We covered the length of the main street, but since most of the shops carry only jewellery, there was little to interest us. I did find a unique Nativity and Larry picked up a few smaller things.

We sat at the train station watching one train arrive and another one leave, before going to lunch at the raucous Bonanza Saloon. Back at the hotel, we found comfortable seats in the lobby until our guide, Dave, distributed room keys and welcome packages. We were happy to reach the warm, dry quiet of our room, but disappointed that wi-fi is not available there.  
Fortunately, got wi-fi in the dining room while we enjoyed a pre-dinner drink.       More Photos of the Day

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