
 Sunday, 20 August – Denali.
It was a chilly, damp and very active day. At 8 am we joined a group for river rafting. We had chosen the less-challenging part of the river, which was a good call.

We got into very complicated wetsuits over our warm clothes, then personal flotation devices and helmets (over our warm hats). Our guides, Berry and Sam then gave us a safety briefing and helped the

5 passengers into a raft. Berry was in charge of our raft and Sam accompanied us in another one. This was a new perspective on the beauties of Denali and we greatly enjoyed the whole experience. 

Well, except for how cold I was afterward. Back at Ridge View, I crawled into bed with every available blanket and was still shivering when we went to lunch an hour later. A hot chocolate solved that problem very quickly. On the way to the front office for the next tour, we encountered a trainer with 

2 Alaskan Husky puppies. They were super-cute and frolicking in a small fenced area. I held the black one for a few moments, but it wasn’t happy being held, so that didn’t last. 

Then we were off on the next adventure the Tundra Wilderness tour. Our driver-guide, Peter, drove us as far into the park as it’s possible to go, regaling us with stories of the park, of history and of course, of wildlife. 

We saw a bear with 3 cubs, several caribou, ptarmigans and moose. A delightful 5+ hours.
Back in our room, with no desire to go out again, we devoured our previously-untouched snack packs from the bus.

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